Saturday, September 26, 2009

Home after a long day

Well, not long compared to those who work long days all the time, and I wasn't even working. But I left home this morning and returned about twelve hours later. Long enough.

Rafael de la Cruz (my Honda, aka Ralph, pronounced the British way) had his day at the spa. Got his rotors machined and his pads replaced and he zips down the freeway much happier; no judder when braking. My little trip to the car spa took over four hours and cost more than I had anticipated, which threw the rest of the day into crazy mode.

I was incredibly late getting to our mission's table at the village harvest festival.

I did get to visit with the folks from HawkQuest, most particularly being ensorceled by their male peregrine falcon and female bald eagle. Concerning the latter, I learned her father had been shot, her mother abandoned her, she was blown out of her nest and cared for by people. Which means she imprinted on people and never learned how to live in the wild and hunt for herself. The falcon is the perfect model for the falcon in my first two volumes. I think I can do some rewriting with description now that I have stood next to a live on just a few feet away. He kept eying me, which was either disconcerting or a mystical bond or both or neither. Well, it was disconcerting.

I love birds. At a distance. My reaction to birds physically close to me is like that of some folks to snakes or spiders. Adrenalin city.

I gave a donation, large enough to get my picture taken with a live golden eagle. Imagine! I did not go for it. She is a sweetheart, I know, but I could never have relaxed with a raptor inches away from me. Nor the stunningly handsome peregrine falcon.

Nonetheless, what a treat to meet them.

Potluck with the monthly dinner group. Always nice to see them and wonderful food! Cheese, crackers, grapes, wine; barbecued chicken that was fabulously seasoned; homemade biscuits; pilaf; homegrown grilled vegetables (eggplant, tomatoes, red peppers, red onions, garlic - all in olive oil, salt, a splash of balsamic); wonderful strawberries dipped in sour cream and brown sugar. Yum!

That's my day and I'm sticking to it.

--the BB

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