L-Unjoni hija mibnija fuq il-valuri ta' rispett għad-dinjità tal-bniedem, ta' libertà, ta' demokrazija, ta' ugwaljanza, ta' l-istat tad-dritt u tar-rispett għad-drittijiet tal-bniedem, inklużi d-drittijiet ta' persuni li jagħmlu parti minn minoranzi.
When looking at this do you feel as though you've been dropped into a Sicilian-Arabic world? Well, there's a reason for that. This was the opening sentence of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe in Maltese, the language of Malta.

Malta is an island nation, consisting of an archipelago of seven islands in the Mediterranean, located 93km south of Sicily and 288km north of North Africa. The official languages are Maltese, a fascinating tongue with semitic structure and mixed semitic-european roots, and English. The de facto capital is Valletta. Malta joined the European Union in 2004.
Here is a video by a Ukrainian youth of his visit to Malta in 2005:
Some music for you by Claudia Faniello (poor video quality but music to move your hips and clap your hands to):
Some music related to the Nationalist Party (though I've no idea how). It is The Winner Song Of Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza 2007:
And we close with a Maltese Medley [of folks tunes] by Puse & Yuri performed in Austalia:
--the BB
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