Saturday, May 01, 2010

Heart thread - 05/01/2010 - updated

MP forwarded this from Suzer:
Will you please post a prayer request for my cousin, Cindy, her husband, Joe, and their two daughters, Morgan and Christina? Cindy and Joe's 5 year old son drowned today on a family fishing trip.

Needless to say, our whole family is in shock and grief. Why such things happen, I will never know.

Their son, Joe Jr., was fondly known as Deuce. Last summer, she posted a video of him on YouTube, as he sang at a local baseball game.

Please pray for this family, as their grief is something I just can't imagine. There are no words.

Thank you,

Suzer, at the now defunct "Wheel Inside the Wheel" blog
May young Deuce rest in peace and rise in glory. May his family and all who love him be surrounded with love during this tragic time.

Kathy is recuperating from her surgery yesterday. It went well and she feels worlds better already.

Let us continue to hold the Gulf Coast in our prayers.

We give thanks for Mark's safe return home from Haiti.

For those killed by bombs in Somalia.

Followup on Molly the Wonderdog:
Update: x-rays etc revealed no likely other tumors so went ahead with removal of Molly's left eye. She handled the anaesthesia well and we all await results of lab work on the eye next week. Thanks so much for the prayers.
From Petty Witter at PEN AND PAPER:

Hi Jonathan. Just wanted to let you know that (my husband), THEMETHATISME, was admitted into hospital last night (May 1st). Severe abdominal pains, he's waiting to have scans etc though at the moment they seem to think it is probably a kink in the bowel as opposed to any kind of obstruction or perforation. Will keep in touch.

(via OCICBW)

--the BB


Fran said...

Thank you SO much for your prayers!!!

Göran Koch-Swahne said...

Prayer ascending!