Thursday, February 28, 2008

3x3: Quick meme for Thursday

A naughty seminarian, who should be resting or studying, has tagged me.

1) List three reasons for your blogging.

2) List the rules.

3) Tag three others with the thread.

1. To spare my best friend from my daily ruminations; instead I toss them into the intertubes where everyone can ignore them.

2. It springs from the habit (now four years old) of reading politics online every day. [Yes, I have the archives of my daily clippings since 2004.] Over time I added spiritual blogs, mostly of fellow Anglicans (I use the term in its pre-tainted sense, thank you very much). My goal is to stay more informed than I otherwise would be and not be blindsided by fatuous untruths. In the process I have discovered a virtual community of genuine compassion and intelligent exchange. We inform each other, we amuse each other, we challenge each other, and we uphold each other. Damn, if we haven't come to love each other (apologies to the Brits who visit here, overly mushy, I know).

3. I require a creative outlet almost as much as I require oxygen. I love trying to make beautiful graphics, a form of "eye balm" after so much that assaults us all visually.

I hate tagging people, so I won’t.
--the BB

1 comment:

Kirstin said...


Well played.