Monday, June 15, 2009

Heart thread - 06/15/2009

I can barely keep my eyes open and my head erect but I want to put a few requests up.

For Ellie (you can read here). She has had physical, emotional, and spiritual trials to go through and needs our upholding.

For Kirstin who has two weeks of interferon to go and begin to feel herself again.

Mimi conveys this:
Fran requests prayers for her sister-in-law, who recently had surgery, and is now suffering from post-operative bleeding.

Fran has a paper to finish tonight, so please pray for her, too, as she is worried sick and can't reach anyone now and finding it hard to focus on her paper. Her SIL must have gone to a hospital for help, but she doesn't know for sure.
I have not yet heard what's up with my sister Shirley's fall. For my nephew Jay and his mom Iva. For the twins and their parents.

Mimi's niece, KJ's sister, my SIL Janet, my friend Kathy, Judith and Sally (from the prayer list of our mission), my friend L. who was just diagnosed with cancer.

For Frank and Carol and Roger and David who holds them in love.

For Roseann and Gary, for Joel and Margaret, for Kathy and Dan, for Diane and her arm, for Karen and KJ, for JCF, et alii.

For the election of godly and suitable bishops for Louisiana and Rio Grande.

For the deputies and bishops soon to be gathered in General Convention.

For the peoples of Iran, North Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel, Palestine, ....

For refugees and exiles, for victims of bullies, brutes, and torturers.

For the unemployed, the underemployed, the overworked, and the work-addicted.

For the lost, the lonely, those consumed with rage or fear, those struggling with depression.

For those carrying great burdens of guilt, shame, anxiety.

For those who must struggle heroically just to complete ordinary tasks or get through the day (or night).

For those on whom our lives depend and those whose lives depend on us.

For our elder siblings, the animal nations, and for the earth.

For forgiveness, that we may humbly receive it and generously offer it.

For healing of bodies, hearts, memories, lives, communities, and nations.

Lord, have mercy.

--the BB


Fran said...

Thank you for the prayers and many prayers for each one mentioned here, both by name and at large. To support one another in ever expanding circles is to love make God's love manifest in the world.

My SIL called late last night - she seems to be doing ok and was at the hospital all afternoon and late into the night. She will see her surgeon today.

Thanks again and once more, prayers for all.

Göran Koch-Swahne said...

Prayers ascending!

Jane R said...

Christ, have mercy.

Word verification: graspent.

Doorman-Priest said...

Lord have mercy indeed.

Wormwood's Doxy said...

So many prayers!

I know that Kirstin is worried about her health insurance too. You know how I feel about that particular issue...

There are days I really think the Second Coming needs to happen, pronto. This might be one of them.


susankay said...

Thank you, Paul and prayers for all. That they may find peace and healing.