Wednesday, June 17, 2009

On the scandal du jour

A friend asks (regarding Sen. Ensign):
For Godde's sake, could we please be like the French and admit that almost everyone has affairs once in a while and leave it at that?

I reply:
I quite agree that we need to stop obsessing on this sort of thing. Then again, since Sen. Ensign wanted to amend the constitution to protect marriage and wanted Clinton to resign for having an extramarital affair, I think he needs to be pilloried. It's not screwing around, its hypocritical abuse of power impinging on other lives.

--the BB


Göran Koch-Swahne said...

The Hypocrisy and the Abuse!

Used as a political tool...

... because he can get away with it...

Jane R said...

And your friend now agrees with you. She did not know about the hyprocrisy bit. Blech!

I always think "s/he doth protest too much" when people get all bent out of shape about matters of the flesh, and usually I turn out to be right.

Pillory away. In Christian charity, of course.

Paul said...

Always in charity, of course, and for their own good.


it's margaret said...

Yah. It is a hypocritical abuse of power... and kind of deranged.

I'd say something about pulling the log out of his own eye.... but that's not what he might should pull out--'cha know what I mean?! (Laughing)

Jane R said...

Margaret! And you a priest!

(As Grandmère Mimi has so often said to Padre Mickey, Paul, and probably MP...)