Wednesday, October 17, 2007

George the Cable Guy

It is rather appalling to think that the coddled fratboy from New Haven, CT, considers it acceptable to speak in public as the President of the United States with his phony Texas affectations, saying "'em" for "them," dropping the letter G from all words ending in "-ing," and damn near saying "git 'er done."

The thought of the laziest president in history chastising Congress and telling them all they must do (while ignoring his vetoes and threats of same, the obstructionist tactics of the congressional GOP that delay or defeat practically anything that comes to either floor, and the actual accomplishments of a Congress that has done more than the previous one)--well, it makes the gorge rise along with the blood pressure.

When one contemplates the disastrous policies of this presidency on every imaginable front, the damage done to this nation and the world, and the arrogance with which they flout the law at every turn, it really is amazing and pathetic that millions don't march in the streets every week demanding a return to constitutional government. By the time folks get around to marching they will have the new device that causes intolerable pain in place for crowd control.

Have we already kissed our democracy goodbye?

WTF is this man still doing in office? Will the dems in Congress never find their gonads?

It was painful to listen to the press conference this morning. He sounded drunk, as well as stupid, insulting, and inarticulate. Narcissists should never be given this much power. The man (and I use the term as an act of obedience to the Christian faith) is a blight on the office.

There. I've stewed all day and had my rant.
--the cranky BB


June Butler said...

Paul, I think there's something wrong with him. He's not mentally competent. He's the elephant in the living room that no one talks about. What is he still doing in office?

The Democrats tried hard with SCHIP - I give them credit for that - but then they caved in on the spying. Why?

The world still turns, and the US is becoming less and less relevant in having influence, except to inspire fear.

Paul said...

There is a lot wrong with him, and I am not speaking facetiously at the moment. There is no question that he falls within the clinical definition of narcissistic personality disorder and his sociopathic tendencies go back to the days when he shoved firecrackers up frog's asses and blew them up. (And the effing repugnicans freaked when Pete Stark spoke the truth in the House today and said the President likes to blow things up. Truth, people!)

He seems to be perpetually stuck in a combination of the terrible twos (temper tantrums and all--just ask the WH staffers) and male adolescence with its insecurity, bragadoccio, testosterone poisoning, puerile sex-laden humor, and ignorance of consequences. Thus we have the perpetual fratboy with sense of entitlement. Now add a generous touch of dry drunk (not to mention any brain damage all those days of coke and alcohol may have done) and you have the mess in the Oval Office.

Why the Democrats in Congress keep on bending over to take it dry sideways, again and again and again, I do not for the life of me know. They lose what they are fighting for, they lose one more fragment of the Constitution, and they lose support and respect among the voters. What on earth can they possibly think they are gaining?

If President Hissyfit objects to a bill, send it, unchanged, back to him over and over and tell him that's the only one he's going to get. If he doesn't like it, fuck him! He's down to 24% approval, why fear him?

But you can tell by my tone that I am frustrated and angry. I am ripe for joining the mob with torches and pitchforks.

I love the United States of America, I miss it, I want it back. And I want George W. Bush in the dock at the Hague where he belongs.