Wednesday, October 31, 2007

To provide a little balance

First, Artemis of Ephesus for my friends who may be tiring of princes and male singers here.

Secondly, after my late night rant it is time for a more positive note. Today I assembled a mini-ofrenda at work for el Día de los Muertos. A hand-woven runner, several icons (Oscar Romero, Gandhi, César Chávez, the Anastasis), sixteen photos of family and friends, and flowers picked fresh from my garden, including two very small dwarf marigolds. At least they were marigolds or sempasúchil, the Aztec flower of the dead whose fragrance guides our loved ones to visit us at this thin time of the year. Also a couple of unlit votive candles. Not gonna raise hackles over fire risk, but the symbol is present at least.

One of my co-workers had a photo of her parents that she added. A gracious and touching action.

May those you love on either side of the veil be near and be well.

Blessed Samhain to all our Wiccan friends!

I have no truck with satanists and those who worship power no matter what they call themselves [none of which should ever be confused with Wicca] but this is a pagan-friendly site.

Peace be to all.
--the BB

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