Sunday, February 24, 2008

Third Sunday in Lent

Now that the Oscars are over for another year (and I am full of food and drink), it is a bit late to come up with anything coherent, much less insightful.

I hope you enjoyed the story of the Samaritan woman and Jesus today.

Almighty God, you know that we have no power in ourselves to help ourselves: Keep us both outwardly in our bodies and inwardly in our souls, that we may be defended from all adversities which may happen to the body, and from all evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the soul; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
--the BB


Fran said...

What is not to love about this Gospel?

Jesus speaking to a Samaritan (gasp!) and a woman no less (GASP!!!) in the middle of the day.

And she is suspicious and skeptical but something takes hold - after all, how must it have been for her to have such an experience.

Perhaps it is my own inner outsider but I am forever in love with how God uses the stranger, the outsider, the disenfranchised over and over and over again while inviting us along the path of salvation.

Amen I say to that- Amen, Amen.

Paul said...

Indeed, Fran, and you have thereby given us our excellent mini-homily for the day!

Fran said...

Back from church after hearing an excellent homily (and being the lector for our second book of Kings long reading about Naaman and Elisha) which once again underscores this point.

Amen amen!