Friday, January 04, 2008

Can you believe it?

The word comes from Mad Priest:

The Stateside office has reopened following the Christmas break and a whole load of cheques were waiting for us on the doormat. This will make you smile:

The appeal total now stands at:


Just two days left and MadPriest is starting to do something he usually leaves to the better qualified. Yes, he's ON HIS KNEES (the only position approved by the Bishop of Horsham) praying for a miracle.

The OCICBW... Community Christmas Appeal this year is raising money to help pay for the work being done by the Anglican Church of Christ the King in the City Of God district of Rio De Janeiro. Full details about the project and how to send your gifts can be found HERE.

Maddy adds:
Come on you lot!
And as the actress said to the bishop:
Let's have one last spurt out of you.
And let's make it a good one.

--the BB


Kirstin said...


Jane R said...

Wahoo! I'm hoping all our blogs helped...

And remember, I've asked all animals to contribute. Total Household Giving, folks! Cats, dogs, humans, parakeets, and boa constrictors. (Extra cash from the boa constrictors, please, because you know they have more room to hide their stash.)