Saturday, July 10, 2010

Heart thread - 07/10/2010

Do not hesitate to bring out the big guns in your prayers, my friends.

My Little Sister gave me news about our Big Sister Shirley:
After heart studies this past week, she received a call from the NP in the cardiologist office that she has another blocked artery and they will be getting her in to see the doctor as soon as possible.
KJ asks prayer for his father who is going through difficult chemo and for his mother (and let us remember Kevin and all the family as well).

Four of my dear friends are coping with stressful situations and hard decisions. Please pray for them and their families.

For the repose of the soul of Margaret's mother and for all who mourn.

For MP.

For Mark.

For all who, this night, are in danger or desperation, for the sick and the dying, for the frightened and the furious.

I woke up this morning praying for a swift and complete recuperation from Fran's gall bladder surgery and asked myself how I could have prayed for her several times yesterday and still omitted her name here. Fran, you are not forgotten.

--the BB


Ellie Finlay said...

"...for the frightened and the furious."


Göran Koch-Swahne said...

Prayers ascending!