Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Yes, another FISA update

I'm just going to provide some links for those who want to follow what is happening.

Kagro X writes FISA: Get ready to get "Rockefellered." at Daily Kos.

Mcjoan follows with FISA Fight: Don't fall for it, Dems, also at DK.
There is one necessary fix to FISA, an easy one. Foreign to foreign calls routed through the U.S. should be surveilled without requiring warrants. Everything else is nothing but a massive and complicated cover up for Bush's lawbreaking, and an attempt to make that lawbreaking legal.
Mcjoan again with FISA Fight: Secrets and Lies.
I'll say it again: Don't fall for it, Dems.

When they lie about what the administration has done and intends to do, and when they lie about Democratic efforts to fix this mess, don't fall for it. Call them on it.
Emptywheel has a great post on her blog: Feingold Slaps Down Bond’s, Mukasey’s, and McConnell’s “Tired Accusations”
The baseless mischaracterizations being bandied about to confuse issues and help Bush cover up his administration's lawless behavior are simply inexcusable. Even Republican Senators should have more ethics than that (hard to believe that a decade ago I would have actually thought they had ethics and should occasionally be given the benefit of the doubt--seems like another planet).

Marcy (Emptywheel) was also live blogging the FISA debate, the most recent post being here.

Logan Murphy writes Action Alert: FISA Debate Continues - Call Your Senators at Crooks and Liars.

On a related note, Nicole Belle writes: Memo to Arlen Specter: We wanted you to investigate the Patriot Act Spying not the New England Patriots.

Remember, the United States Constitution is promulgated in the name of Us, the People.

[OK, I have to get a pet peeve off my chest. People, people, people, let's remember the difference between subject and object in our grammar. We the People is subject case; Us the People is object (direct object, indirect object, object of preposition). It hurts my ears to hear "we" used as an object. Not accusing anyone here but I hear it on the radio and read it online far too often.

And, while I'm at it.... You would never say "just between we." You instinctively know it sounds wrong. "You and I" = "we" while "you and me" = "us." I don't care what zealous and erroneous overcorrecting authority, including your parents or teachers, taught you to say "between you and I," it's a horrendous solecism. I am avoiding moral categories and I know language history too well to invoke "right versus wrong" here but it does violate the inherited structure of the English language. Even codgers of my generation do this but it conveys the message that one is unaware of how the English language works, quite possibly a valid message. I am sufficiently old and curmudgeonly to care about this shit.

Thank you for bothering to read that.]

--the BB

1 comment:

Fran said...

I love your rant about grammar, probably because between you and me, it is not my greatest skill.

I also love your commitment to peace and justice and I echo it. This is a matter on which I have taken and will continue to take LOUD action on.

We can not be silent. Silence simply assists the evil and the perpetrators of torture.