Saturday, December 22, 2007

Fellow blogger on "grace"

“Nothing is more repugnant
to capable, reasonable people
than grace.”
– John Wesley

With that quotation our friend FranIAm begins a thought-provoking essay on "Debt and Grace."

She notes:
How then can we respond to a God who loves us so much, who gives to us so freely? One can see the problem that we face. So while we may profess our faith and try to live it… well maybe not so much. This is hard work, this grace and receiving business.

And isn't that just the most amazing paradox? That grace should be such hard work, that simply receiving without having to do anything for it is one of the most challenging things in our life.

Bearsy Bob says check it out.
--the BB


Fran said...

Oh dear Paul, thank you for the link to my alter ego blog and the kind words.

Peace to all this Christmas and grace without end. To receive it that is- as it is ever flowing.

Now that is something for me to work on! Which is why I wrote this I guess.

Paul said...

Dear Fran, I find we are always writing what we ourselves need to read, preaching what we ourselves need to hear.

May we all find the grace to accept grace this season!

Paul said...
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June Butler said...

Paul, thanks for the reminder to visit there. Fran had a lovely post.

Fran said...

Thank you all!