Monday, December 24, 2007

A holiday pause

The limpa is rising, three batches of cookies have been baked, the nacimiento is--at the last possible minute--set in place.

Of course, the baby Jesus has not shown up and the wise guys are still in transit. Beyond that, both horns of the cow have vanished over the years, along with one ear of the donkey. I don't have scenery for it; it's just sitting on the altar in my parlor. But it's up.

I will be heading out before long for the High Mass at the Mission San Gabriel where I will serve as thurifer. Here's hoping I remember the thurible and incense, the pointed Gospel for the deacon, and sundry vestments. Plus bread and cookies and wine for tomorrow, a change of clothes, toiletries, and a few presents. I will be catching the Midnight Mass at St Michael and All Angels later, then spending the night at my best friend's. We plan to have Mexican hot chocolate and chilaquiles for breakfast tomorrow, a tradition of ours that makes a nice counterpoint to too many sweets. Nothing like green chile salsa--yum! (There are, of course, red salsa fans and those who want both ask for "Christmas" = red and green.) A lovely roast tomorrow and many other delicious things along with a passel of chums.

All of which is to say, the loquacious one will not be blogging again until, perhaps, tomorrow night. So, in the meantime, I wish each and every one of you a blessed Christmas, whatever form that takes for you. Be kind to yourselves, to others, to this precious world. Let yourself be loved.
Virgin Mother of God, rejoice!
Mary full of grace, the Lord is with you.
Blessed are you among women
and blessed is the fruit of your womb
for you have born the Savior of the world.
-the BB


June Butler said...

Paul, amen to the Mary prayer.

May you have a Blessed and Happy Christmas.

Hasta MaƱana! What will we do without your words until then?

Fran said...

My favorite NM question... red or green? And chilaquiles, now you've got me longing. While I never spent Christmas in New Mexico, I have indeed been in ABQ and SF well into Advent. Just lovely.

Well you are the busy bee. Peace to you dear and blessed friend.

Kirstin said...

"Let yourself be loved."

Amen, my brother. God bless you.

Diane M. Roth said...

Merry Christmas and happy feasting and fellowship!

Jane R said...

Dear Loquacious One, blessed Christmas! Enjoy your NM celebration. Maya Pavlova and I send love and purrs and North Carolinian hugs (yes, she hugs too) and a few leftover California ones for old time's sake.

Paul said...

Aw, thanks.

Rory said...

Merry Christmas Paul! Would that i could have been at San Gabriel's and St. Michael's. Happily though, i'm with family in LA, ready to Amtrak back to NM with Wes tomorrow.

Btw, loved the St. Stephen's post pun! Punning - another tradition in my family. Glad to see others are afflicted as well.