Thursday, December 27, 2007

May we discuss disappointment?

I do not usually include here comments by the Rude Pundit because his tirades are so, well, rude. Which is why I love them. Some folks have a gift for saying what we're all thinking. The Rude One has a gift for saying what I am feeling. The language is unbridled (= obscene, blasphemous, creative, colorful, and highly offensive) and I love reading it.

Today I am going to share two paragraphs because they are informative and capture well the hypocrisy of the weasel in the Oval Office:
This year, though, Bush said, "I am disappointed in the way the Congress compiled this legislation, including abandoning the goal I set early this year to reduce the number and cost of earmarks by half. Instead, the Congress dropped into the bill nearly 9,800 earmarks that total more than $10 billion. These projects are not funded through a merit-based process and provide a vehicle for wasteful Government spending." You got that? See, finally, after years of winking and letting the Republican-led Congress tear through money like a Blackwater Humvee through the streets of Kirkuk, Bush made it a "goal" to cut earmarks in half.
By the way, the Bush administration considers FY 2005 as the "benchmark" for cutting earmarks by that magical 50%. As they were at least a little frightened of losing power in the upcoming election, in 2004, the Republican-led Congress acted like meth-addicted looters after an earthquake: "In fiscal year 2005, there were 13,492 earmarks totaling $18,944,327,000 for appropriations accounts." This year, in the first budget under the new Democratic-led Congress, there were, as Bush said, "nearly 9,800 earmarks" that came in at a little more than $10 billion. By any measure, that's a big damn cut. So, really and truly, George W. Bush and the bags of douche, who wander around like lamed bitch chihuahuas whining about "earmarks," can go eat a bowl of fuck.

I couldn't say it any better myself.
--the BB


Fran said...

Sometimes it just needs to be said that way, and Rude Pundit does it so well.

Disappointed? Hah, what a jerk. (she says, deferring to the milder language.)

Jane R said...

Your blog is going to get its X rating now, Paul. :-)

Paul said...

If I ever put my unedited feelings about George W. Bush on a post, this blog would go X in a heartbeat. Of course, just talking about what he represents has gotten me NC-17.

Paul said...

Just did a quick check. I am still at NC-17, though, like desperate johns patrolling the streets, they haven't picked up the latest fuck. I also put in the URL for The Rude Pundit and it also gets NC-17. So I guess I've arrived as much as I'm going to.

Kirstin said...

S--t! I'm back to G again.

These ratings make no sense. I haven't un-said anything.

(If they took this morning's e-mails into account, though... wow.)

Paul said...

There is always a time lag in their ratings. Fear not, Kirstin, we know you're a filthy-tongues she-devil just as I'm a potty-mouthed hellion.

(Actually, she's quite demure. I think I've been a corrupting influence.)

Kirstin said...


That's tongues of fire, to you!

(Yes, alas, we all know I'm truly quite innocuous. You're doing some good work with me, though.)

[demurely wicked grin]

Fran said...

I am not even going to check mine. I know it would be bad. Too much cussin'!

And Grandmere actually said feces on a comment at my blog today. Except she did not say feces, she said sh..!

In context and in her defense, it made total sense. Something about W and Pakistan and scaring the you know what out of her.

Paul said...

Ah, FranThouArt, I checked for you and you're a mere PG-13 (something like hell (2x) and one "dead"). The nuns would be proud of you!

My rather Victorian Baptist grandmother, however, would have a different view of me. I do hope she has a larger perspective from the other side of the veil.