Monday, January 21, 2008

Pentagon reporting 1 in 5 with brain injuries

Crooks and Liars reports the following horrific news:
On The Chris Matthews show, Richard Stengel, the managing editor of TIME gives us a chilling new report that the Pentagon is releasing about the serious head injuries our troops are sustaining in Iraq.

Stengel: When we got into the Iraq war we didn’t know how long it would last. When we got into the Iraq war we didn’t know how much it would cost. It’s lasted longer, it’s cost more than we ever expected. The real toll is coming out now. The Pentagon is releasing a report saying, one in five American serviceman and women who have been in Iraq are coming back with brain injuries. Mild, traumatic brain injuries. More than 250,000 people. That legacy of that will last all of our life times and it’s incalculable.

It is incalculable and unforgivable, but it would appear that Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney still sleep very well at night.

It is very difficult to even contemplate this. One among many horrors perpetrated in our name.


For those in the Armed Forces of our Country

Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations; give them courage to face the perils which beset them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For those who suffer from war

Into thy merciful hands, O Father, we commit all who suffer in a world torn by war.  Grant them the continual knowledge of thy presence.  Let not tribulations or distress or persecution or famine of nakedness or peril or sword separate them from the love of Christ.  Bless the very old and the very young; the leaders and the followers; civilians and warriors; doctors and nurses.  Fortify the bereaved, give peace to the dead.  And may the world's agony, which lies upon thy heart, so quicken our conscience and stir up our wills that we may give ourselves unsparingly to the building of righteousness and brotherhood, as true children of our Father and makers of peace, through him who came to redeem all people, our Saviour Jesus Christ.
--John Wallace Suter (1859-1942), alt.

--the BB


June Butler said...

This is nearly incredible. I find it very hard to wrap my brain around the enormity of this. I suppose after a time, the brain (my brain) gets dulled from outrage after outrage, and tends to react slowly.

OK, now I feel the rage rising up. It took a few minutes. And no one will take responsibility. And all the troops dying and suffering for what?

This news falls into the category of things I'd rather not know. But we must know.

Lord, have mercy.

Paul said...

Sorry, Grandmère. It's something I wish I didn't know also, only in that I wish it were not so. But, of course, we NEED to know, the whole American People needs to know. And so I put it out there so it won't slip by quietly.

I weep for what we do to our brave young men and women just to appease ideologues, uphold a sociopathic narcissist, and enrich the corporations.

Fran said...

Oh my God- the sheer horror of it all.

My heart is so broken for the lives that we have hurt or destroyed in the name of so-called freedom.

It is a disgrace and a tragedy.

Episcopollyanna said...

A national disgrace - this and the 200,000 veterans sleeping on our streets every night.