Saturday, January 26, 2008

We gather and make Eucharist

It's what we Episcopalians do. At this moment the dismissal hymn is being sung in Hanford, California by the Episcopalians of the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin.

Scene at the end of the First Lesson
Remain Episcopal Eucharist

I am so proud of them, the battered yet faithful. I grieve for the alienated. I pray for all the injured, all the angry, all the frustrated, all the bewildered.

Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
Thanks be to God!

Let's keep the prayers coming!

[Kirstin gently pointed out that I originally typed "love and save the Lord." Well, perhaps there is an element of saving our Lord's reputation in a world abused with bad images of Him.]
--the BB


Kirstin said...

Absolutely. :-)

June Butler said...

I was a lovely celebration. Thanks be to God.