Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Breaking: -JDS resigns from the HoB

Mr. Schofield, former bishop of San Joaquin, has tendered his resignation from the House of Bishops while making numerous wild-ass assertions. Check it out at The Lead.
--the BB


Kirstin said...

Hallelujah, and about damn time!

(I know it's Lent, but what else could I say?)

Paul said...

The omission of Allelua during Lent is solely a Western practice. The Orthodox say it all year round. Welcome to the Orthodox side of the aisle! [grin]

Jane R said...

I got to say Alleluia yesterday 'cause I was at a funeral, haha. In fact, the front of the liturgy leaflet said ALLELUIA ALLELUIA ALLELUIA.

But otherwise I'm being all Western Church and not saying the A-word till Easter...

Okay, so are you do the full Orthodox vegan Lent? ;-)

Kirstin said...


[grinning back]

Paul said...

I believe it was Ralph Waldo Emerson who said "a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds."

With medallions of pork for dinner last night (and dessert) I don't think one can say I follow any dietary rules. But then, I'm a BB and not fully Orthodox.

episcopalifem said...

Doing the end zone dance...


Another Asshat bites the dust...

Hee hee

(God, forgive me...I have not loved my neighbor (who I'm really glad is NOT JDS) as myself...)

Paul said...

Oh, honey, that ain't nothin' compared to what I said about him offline last night. May God turn his heart and heal him - is the best I can do.

Episcopollyanna said...

I was nearly despondent earlier. Now I am jubilant! Praise God!


Kirstin said...

God bless and keep the Tsar, far away from us!

Alleluia yet again.

(I'll join you on this side of the aisle, as I can breathe when the incense is only virtual. I don't do the vegan thing, ever. Tried for a week once, but couldn't get over the lengths my vegan housemates went to, in order to make "cheese".)

BooCat said...

I'll add my Alleluias, out of season though they may be.
On the other hand, I just read the letter. Does anyone understand exactly what he said? Does he understand what he said? Did any of it make any sense really? Am I the only one who found it a little bit foggy in the details? I'm just saying. . .

Paul said...

Dave was obfuscating and temporizing, as he always does. Playing a game of having his cake, eating it, and telling those who baked it in the first place to Cheney themselves.

This is why though I trumpeted the news (I think I was one of the first to read the article at The Lead, and immediately notified the thread at Jake's), I did not really celebrate it. I assumed it was one more move in the many games the man plays and one that would take, as he planned, lots of untangling and interpreting and be difficult to deal with.

I believe his self-delusional narcissism will do him in. He did not really address the issues before him vis-à-vis the HoB, while making outrageous and fictive claims. The putative resignation (which does not conform to and presumably violates the canons) is thus meaningless, as are his claims that the DSJ belongs now to a province whose canons do not envision or provide for territories outside the boundaries of specific South American nations.

He is a master of fog.