Sunday, February 17, 2008

The omnipotent presidency-updates (2)

McJoan writes today of the history behind the FISA Law, including the work of the Church Committee. Now that the FISA Law is turning thirty, a little review doesn't hurt. She also writes of the constant goal of Dick Cheney to return presidential power to where it was before Watergate, and perhaps beyond that.
Emptywheel discusses related issues, including minimization.

Jane Hamsher talks about the administration lying about the Protect America Act and where things actually stand.

Glenn Greenwald's post from yesterday ("The Leader isn't protecting us and keeping us safe") also helps clarify the differences between what is being claimed and reality.

There, now y'all can stay in the loop.

No, I don't plan to drop this topic. Thanks for asking.

Kagro X explains minimization and FBI screw-ups (oopsie, we gathered EVERYTHING) here.

Mark Fiore has one of his animated cartoons, explaining about "The Spies Who Love You" (with Snuggly the Bear).
==the BB

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